Tanni Travel - Safety policy

It is Tanni Travel's policy to ensure that all customers and staff are in a healthy environment and are as safe as possible.

  • In the companies daily operations, we aim to follow all stipulations put forth in laws and regulations. We commit to continuously work on improvements that increase the safety of our customers, employees, and partners.
  • The company will regularly hold seminars in first aid so that employees are better prepared to deal with problems and accidents that can occur. Seminars are to be held no less than every other year. 
  • It is of utmost importance to us that the equipment used in operations of the company is inspected and tested on a regular basis and adheres to the safety standards placed on it. 
  • We risk asses the areas that the company operates on. Fall and winter will receive special attention as the weather in Iceland is more volatile during those seasons. 
  • We encourage active participation of all employees in training and matters of security. 
  • Under all circumstances, we use appropriate safety gear, protective clothing, and personal protective equipment. 
  • This policy shall be reassessed as often as needed, but never less than every two years. 
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