Tanni Travel - Anti-bullying, gender and sexual harassment policy
- It is the policy of Tanni Travel that employes always show their coworkers respect when communicating. Bullying, or gender, and sexual harassment will not under any circumstances be condoned at the company. Codependency amongst staff in the matters of bullying and harassment will not be tolerated either.
- In any work environment, there can be differences of opinion and conflict of interest that can cause unease. To resolve such issues before they escalate, staff members must bring the matter to his superior or union confidant so they can work towards solving the problem. If the superior ignores the problem or is himself the one engaging in bullying, the staff member should contact the union confidant or his union directly.
- An equally hard stance will be taken against false accusations of bullying. Should an employe take part in the act of bullying, he can expect one or more of the following, to be reprimanded, education on the repercussions of bullying, transfer within the workplace, or resignation. In instances of severe nature, a legal action might be taken in cooperation with the victim. Perpetrators of bullying must face up to the consequences of their actions.
- Bullying: A repeated behavior that is designed to cause the person who the conduct is directed towards distress. Examples of action like this can be to belittle, engage in offensive behavior, remarks made to be hurtful or threatening behavior.
- Gender harassment: Behavior that is directed towards a person because of their gender and is unwelcome and unwanted. Furthermore, behavior that is made to disrespect and belittles the person that it is directed towards and is threatening, hostile, humiliating, or offensive.
- Sexual harassment: Sexual harassment is any sexual behavior that is unwelcome and unwanted by the person that it is directed towards. Furthermore, it is made to disrespect and belittle the person that it is directed towards and is threatening, hostile, humiliating, or offensive. The conduct can be what a person says, symbolic or physical.
- Violence: Any behavior that leads to or could lead to physical or psychological trauma or suffering by the person that the conduct is directed towards. This includes threats of violence, coercion, or deprivation of liberty.
- Other inappropriate behavior: This can include disrespectful conduct, sexual behavior, or physical contact that is inappropriate.
- Alleged victim: The person that experiences bullying, gender or sexual harassment, violence, or inappropriate conduct.
- Alleged offender: The person that the complaint about bullying, gender or sexual harassment, violence, or inappropriate conduct is directed towards.
Differences in opinion or disputes because a conflict of interest does not fall under any of the above.