Tanni Travel - Environmental policy

Tanni Travel's primary goal is to be exemplary when it comes to environmental factors. Our environmental policy is centered around the following points.

  • Environmental effects shall be considered in all of the decisions that are taken within the company. This includes operations, when purchasing new vehicles, how the garage is managed, organizations of tours and when providing information to visitors.
  • Emphasis will be placed on increasing the environmental awareness of staff and their interest in environmental matters with regular training. 
  • Emphasis will be placed on being environmentally friendly. Resources used for the daily operations of the company shall be reused and recycled as much as possible. Materials that have to be disposed of shall be done so in an appropriate manner. 
  • We aim to cooperate with institutions, municipalities, and corporations in the area on environmental matters. We also strive to lead the way when it comes to adopting more environmentally friendly practices. 
  • We aim to reduce the use of materials and chemicals that harm the environment. 
  • Environmental matters shall be incorporated in the job descriptions and guidelines for employees. 
  • To be exemplary when it comes to adhering to environmental policies and take measures to prevent possible environmental damage. 
  • To encourage suppliers to offer environmentally friendly products and services. 

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